David Lee Myers (a.k..a Arcane Device)

David Lee Myers (a.k..a Arcane Device) is a sound and visual artist living in New York City. He has produced music based on feedback principles since 1987, using his unique “feedback machines.” Myers has had thirty recordings released by Generator, Recommended, Line, Silent, Pogus, RRRecords, Staalplaat, Monochrome Vision, and many other labels. Collaborations have been produced with Gen Ken Montgomery, Thomas Dimuzio, Ellen Band, guitarist Marco Oppedisano, and Dirk Serries (VidnaObmana). He created two albums with legendary electronic pioneer Tod Dockstader, and has released four projects with Hamburg’s master sound manipulator Asmus Tietchens, with a fifth in progress. Myers has performed at New York’s Generator, The Kitchen, Roulette, Experimental Media Foundation, the Knitting Factory, Clocktower, MoMA/PS1, and Silent Barn, as well as the Boston Museum of Modern Art and Gallerie Abriss (Hamburg) and the Klang Avantgarde Music Festival (Copenhagen), among others.
