WIlliam Basinski
John Cage
James Fei
Mary Franck
Guillermo Galindo & Jen Cohen
Dan Good
Matthew Goodheart
Chuck Johnson
Cheryl Leonard
Richard Lerman
Loud Objects
Machine Shop
Dieter Moebius
Damion Romero
Daniel Steffey and Christina Stanley
Floor van de Velde and Elaine Buckholtz
Drawing on an extraordinary roster of Bay Area musicians, sfSoundGroup is the main performing group of the sfSoundSeries. Their virtuoso instrumentalists are all composers in their own right – offering a diverse range of talents including skilled improvisation, performance art, computer audio programming, university-level music scholarship, instrument making, didjeridu playing, and styrofoam bowing. The members are Kyle Bruckmann (oboe), Matt Ingalls (clarinet), John Ingle (saxophone), Christopher Jones (piano, bassoon, conductor), Kjell Nordeson (percussion, Monica Scott (cello), and Erik Ulman (violin).
photo: Lenny Gonzalez